The Eight Values of Free Expression

The First Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution that was created on September 17th, 1787. It protects U.S. citizen's freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. In class, we discussed Eight Speech Theories that describe the importance of free speech and expression. There are so many different ways the First Amendment can interpreted; it's essential to consider the many different theories by various people in order to better understand our Constitution and our right to free speech. 

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    The seventh value resonates with me the most. The theory is that freedom of speech promotes innovation and creativity and allows society to express itself in any way possible. In Jack Balkin's book Living Originalism, he states that free speech itself promotes a "democratic culture." Democratic Culture, in his words, "is a democratic culture in which individuals have a fair opportunity to participate in the forms of meaning-making that constitute them as individuals".                                                                  In the modern world, people use social media platforms like Instagram and X to create their own identities through posts containing art and fashion. Through social media, people can create and share their own thoughts and ideas concerning things like politics and share them with others. Since citizens are protected under the First Amendment from expressing themselves freely, people aren't constrained - they are able to produce creative content without having to worry about any backlash or forced silencing from the government. For example, people can create political art pieces or merchandise to sell or wear and be free to showcase their beliefs. Artists use their talent with graphics to create artwork to promote their political beliefs. Their creativity is promoted and protected under the First Amendment. 

    I also find the fourth value important, which is individual self-fulfillment. It is similar to the other theory in that it supports self-expression for individuals. Edwin Baker explored this theory in his book Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech. He believes that people are individuals from the government and are allowed to be themselves and seek out similar people. This theory basically states that free speech shapes human dignity and agency.                                               I believe this theory is like modern-day news. For example, opinion articles from news sources like The New York Times. In an article about the villainization of the women of the royal family, you can view the comments and see hundreds of people either agreeing, disagreeing, or making other statements, like how people should mind their business. Articles like these allow people to express their opinions on public media platforms and connect with others who are like-minded and maybe even debate with those who do not share the same opinion.  

Free speech is something that can frequently be explored and experimented with thanks to the First Amendment. These Eight Values of Free Expression really show how different people can interpret and analyze the meaning of what free speech actually entails. It's important that we, as citizens of the United States, constantly exercise this right so we can continue to voice our opinions and create a balanced society. 


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