Living Age of AI

The documentary I watched, called In The Age of AI contained a lot of interesting and thought-provoking information. This video went in-depth on how there are both positive and negative aspects to the rapid growth of technology, especially AI. It's important to be aware of the issues that arise with the progression of technology since the world we live in is now dependent on most of it. 

In the documentary, I learned about a program called DeepMind created by Google. It essentially teaches itself whatever it's fed and mimics human brain waves to learn more about the subject. DeepMind also has the ability to create its own unique actions through whatever it was instructed to learn. This was seen in Google's experiment with AlphaGo. The experiment involved giving the AlphaGo program, created by DeepMind tech information about the board game, Go. Their program was put up against Fan Hui, Lee Sedol, and Ke Jie, all professional or champion Go players. The program beat all of them. As the program faced better Go players its skill increased, and it evolved.

This ability to evolve and learn is really impressive for an AI. This means that simple tasks can become easier by assigning them to AIs which in turn means less human error. But this also means the loss of jobs for many people. The abilities of the AI are also based on human behavior. That means humans must continue to be studied to improve AIs, effectively invading our privacy. Having our privacy invaded can already be seen in some AIs where they can track what you like, watch, or generally enjoy on the internet and recommend products that would fit your lifestyle or likes.

This may seem convenient but this little thing means that AI can invade all your personal information, even the really personal stuff like bank account passwords. Will AI tracking and its steady improvement, eventually not only our privacy will be at stake. 


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