Presentation Reaction: Online Influencers

The presentations about Terms & Concepts proved to be very interesting and well-informed. I really like the information the Mediasphere group was able to put together. One of the topics that interested me the most was Online Influencers. I'm young and follow many influencers online, so I was eager to learn more about their impact on the media and the general public.

An online influencer is a person who has become well-known through the use of social media and can garner interest in a consumer product. This definition is often associated with many young social media influencers on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It can also be associated with celebrities like actors, actresses, pop, and sports stars. Some names they may be familiar with are Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Charli d'Amelio, and James Charles. 

The other definition, that the presenter gave us was that an online influencer inspires or guides the actions of others. They state online influencers can sometimes have to fit this specific idea. For example, an online influencer could also be Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Nido R. Qubein, or even full brands like Hollister. These leaders, like in the definition, inspire and guide the public, just in different ways to different people.

Like many things, there are pros and cons to online influencers. Some of the pros that were presented to us were that these influencers can open up new job opportunities, spread awareness, and market things quickly which is convenient. More business-oriented online influencers like Steve Jobs can announce a new product and the production of it can automatically open up new jobs. Spreading information about new products quickly also benefits brands and allows influencers to promote them to get commissions. 

A con is also the quick spread of information because that can lead to controversy in some cases. Say a brand has controversy in how it produces its products. Both the brand and the influencer promoting their products would be affected negatively. 

The gist I got from this section of the Mediasphere presentation is that online influencers are not just people on the internet who promote makeup or health products. They are spokespeople, opinion leaders, and sometimes experts in their craft. They have the ability to reach niche audiences as well as the majority of people. 


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